BeddingMaster In-Vessel Composter Testimonials
Rick and Ingrid wanted a deep bedding solution that would improve cow comfort. Part of Rick’s decision to go with an in-vessel composter was based on seeing first hand how successful the BeddingMaster was in improving cow comfort on Mike’s farm. He said it did not take long for him to see the improvements on his own farm once the Beddingmaster was implemented. Since the installation of their BeddingMaster they have noticed their SCC went down to an average of 130 (previous average around 200), the cows have cleaner hocks and lay down more often, plus no more shavings in the pit provides better nutrients for the fields.
Rick & Ingrid Portena Pendora Dairy LTD |
Mike & Theresa wanted to find a better bedding solution to help improve cow comfort on their farm. Mike made the decision to purchase a BeddingMaster and have quality bedding year round and better cow comfort. The biggest difference they have noticed is that there have been no swollen hocks and the cows are much more comfortable since switching to composted bedding. Mike has had the BeddingMaster for 3 years and would highly recommend this bedding for improving cow comfort levels.
Mike & Theresa Portena Windulan Holsteins LTD |
We decided to purchase the BeddingMaster after we saw several successful and simple systems operating in Washington and BC. After installing the system we saw the benefits almost immediately. We are now able to bed our cows with 4 inches of bedding which substantially increases cow comfort without having to purchase shaving or straw. The cows are cleaner and our somatic cell count is lower when comparing to the same time periods last year. Another key benefit is the simplification of manure handling; because we are separating the solids to re-use as bedding our manure is thin (+/-3% solids) and requires minimal agitation. We can pump further with less horsepower and less plugging issues.
Gerard Steenbeek Stonecreek Farms |
When I first saw the BeddingMaster operate in Washington, I was impressed. I was like- this has got to work for us. We have always used sand for bedding. Sand is and has been a good choice for cow comfort. In our operation we would have needed to make some major changes if we were to continue with sand. Going with the BeddingMaster has been much more cost practical for us verses trying to recycle sand. The BeddingMaster allows for a simple way to make your own bedding, provides good cow comfort and is easy to operate and maintain. The BeddingMaster is a well-built machine that is ready to take care of your bedding needs and simplify the manure handling process.
Paul Schmidt Schmidt’s Ponderosa |
Why did you buy a BeddingMaster in the first place?
What do you like most about the BeddingMaster now?
Ed Maljaar Starlane Dairy |
When bedding started getting harder to find, we began investigating options for bedding recovery machines. I had previous experience with Daritech and knew I could trust them to develop a plan that worked on my dairy. I am very happy with my BeddingMaster, the bedding stays in the stalls better than sawdust and my herd health has improved. We saw a significant drop in our leukocyte count after 3-4 weeks of using recycled bedding and have not had any new cases of Klebsiella Mastitis since going away from sawdust. DariTech also streamlined the way I scrape my barns and made my daily cleaning more efficient. I have eliminated my bedding expense and have been selling some of my extra material to neighboring farms. Dave DeWaard is truly committed to doing the best job possible and taking care of the products he sells. DariTech has the experience and expertise needed for a project like this.
Sid De Boer |
We’ve seen multiple benefits from the composter. Cow comfort has improved dramatically as the stalls can be bedded more frequently and more bedding used in each stalls. Cows seem more comfortable, injury, sore legs and ease of getting up from the stalls has improved. Somatic Cell Count has been the biggest surprise, from 200,000+ to 150,000. The composter has also increased the value of the farm and has helped us to become more self sufficient.
Schreiberdale Holsteins, LLC |
For years we used sawdust bedding with mixed results. As the price for sawdust climbed, we would supplement with digested solids. With cost being an issue, we used the bedding sparingly. Now, with the BeddingMaster, we have all the bedding we need to bed often, and plenty. The cows are comfortable, spend more time in the stalls, and there are less cows in the sick pen. Now we control the bedding and don’t have to buy truckloads of bedding just to haul more out in spring and fall.
Matsche Farms |
We decided to purchase the BeddingMaster after seeing several of Dairy Lane’s installations in Ontario. We always knew we were purchasing a quality product, but the workmanship of the BeddingMaster and the installation exceeded our expectations. To top it off, the whole transition over to the new bedding material was as seamless as we could have hoped for; we were up and running on composted bedding within a week. We are excited about getting a few months under our belts to see the full benefits the system will offer us!
New Obelink Farms |
In our search for bedding alternatives we investigated many options. Seeing the BeddingMaster process just made sense. Well built, large volume, supportive dealer, easy to control and monitor the process. We purchased the first 8x40 machine for our existing 1800 cow dairy in 2009. After building our new 2500 cow facility with deep bed stalls the second machine was an easy decision. We are able to maintain great cow comfort and low cell count with our in-house supply of quality bedding. The added bonus of not trucking in and out load after load of purchased bedding to our dairies decreases the lagoon volume, which in turn adds to the bottom line at our dairies.
Wiese Brothers Farm |